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Foundation readings layout consists of:

4 base cards (Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual). This is your foundation base in your life. (Corner cards in diagram)

Three rows of 4 cards represent - structure, attention, outcome within the 4 bases. (Rows cards in the diagram)

Some readers tend to call it past, present and future. I however feel that sometimes structure or the building blocks to our current universes can not be mapped out into simple passage of time measurements. Nor can outcome be mapped as simply as stating -future-.


Each foundation reading comes with a comprehensive write-up (not just book information but my interpretation and understanding of how the cards are being presented). After sending you the write-up along with the actual layout of the cards digitally, I schedule a zoom call with you to go over the write-up, answer questions and determine next steps.

Depending on the information gathered during the reading, most foundation readings tend to have a follow-up reading that addresses specific questions, intents, concerns and issues that arose during the initial reading.

I keep digitally the individual reading documents for those who return for additional readings for an additional fee.

Foundation readings are required if I am going to be doing any long term work with you.

Foundation Readings Options

Reading, PDF Writeup and Zoom Session to go over the writeup $75.00
With an additional follow-up focus reading, writeup and Zoom Session to go over the writeup $50.00 for each additional focus reading
Journal Prompts and Assisted Exercises on focus areas $50.00 base

If you are interested in a Foundation Reading, please feel free to contact me.


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Last Modified : January 17, 2021